Saturday, November 28, 2015

Current Playlist: [[ 小幸运 & 梦想.起飞 ]]

Always remember the courage of youth...

Original youtube link:

This is my favourite take away from this awesome movie- 我的少女时代,Our Times. It gave a big thug in my heart when I saw this phrase. 

It has been 4 months since I decided to become a home baker. Counting my blessings, I have some really nice and kind people around who give me a hand and constantly help and support me through this journey! I am fortunate, my Mister is supportive of my decision too.

Having the courage to take this one big step was seriously not easy. It's never easy to do anything out of the ordinary. But I'm glad I did, at least, I have no regrets in life. Hence, that phrase reflects my current status really well! Finally taking a step out to fulfil my dream of spreading happiness through my bakes! :)

The song 小幸运 is currently one of my favourite song as it makes me feel very fortunate to have met Mr Kwek! :)

Another on my current playlist is 梦想.起飞 by Oliver Ong. So so so motivational! :) I have included the youtube here for your hearing pleasure!

Original youtube link:

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