Saturday, June 27, 2015

Western Australia 2014 Day 2-[[ Busselton Jetty + Canel Rocks+Cape Naturaliste]]

Finally setting time aside to blog after what seems like an infinity load of OT at work on weekdays and coping with the demand for baking on weekends. I am back and determined to clear my backlogs for the Austrailia trip we made last year!!

So on day two, we awoke at 7am to a cloudy and windy morning.

Our host prepared a fabulous spread for us. As it was a communal dining setting, we got to meet and interact with the other guests from around the world!

After breakfast, we set off to Busselton airport for our main attraction: sky diving!
Unfortunately, weather conditions were not great for skydiving and we got asked to check back tomorrow at 5pm.


So we set off to Busselton Jetty.
Busselton Jetty is beautiful, peaceful and calming!
As it was very windy, we bought the train ride ticket at AUD$12 per pax to ride down the 1.8km long jetty as it was simply too chilly and windy to be walking.
The train ride is a very touristy thing to do. Unless you love the sea, there was nothing special about the ride. Just buy the jetty pass at AUD$3 instead and walk the 1.8km if it is not much of a pain to you to do so.

By the time we are done with all the exploring and cam whoring, it was time for lunch.

We headed to The Goose which had much great reviews.
The food was much of a fusion of flavours from around the world. Not much need to be said,the food was good! We had german beer too and it was awesome!

I ate lesser as I wanted to have Simmon's ice cream!
Simmon ice cream is highly recommended! Although two scoops of ice cream costed AUD$8, their scoops were awesomely generous! We had orange chocolate chip and white chocolate malteser. Both tasted really good!

It started drizzling as we finished up the ice cream. We headed off to Canel Rocks which was a 45minutes drive from Busselton.

There is only one word to describe Canel Rocks- Rocks!! Both in expression and literally.
 Canel Rocks consist of uncountable beautiful rocks formations. The kind of nature I crave for! Major love for this place!
We spent some hours hiking only part of the rock formation before heading off to visit the Cape Naturaliste lighthouse nearby as it was getting late. We were lucky we managed to catch the last tour!
Cape Naturaliste is located in the south western region of Western Australia at the edge of Geopraghe Bay. The lighthouse is built from limestones that were querried from Bunker Bay. At its highest point, it is 123 meters above sea level! Thats pretty tall as despite the distance as seen in the photo below, the lighthouse can be seen standing tall all  by itself!
 The lighthouse can only be access via joining a guided tour which you can sign up at the counter on the day itself. Tours starts from 9.30am and last tour is at 4.30pm.
 View from the top. I think thats the Indian Ocean and the coastline of Geographe Bay.
 So the tour lasted for like an hour or was still early and the guys decided to explore the nearby trail while I 'jagar' the car.....
Good thing I didn't head down the tedious trail with them because that's the kind of disappointment the guys got!

We decided to head back to the Busselton Jetty to catch sunset before dinning at a nearby cafe.

Sunset was awesomely beautiful! So glad we manage to catch it!
Our night ended with a very hearty meaty dinner since the guys were hungry by then. 

And with this, we concluded day 2 of our trip! 😊

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 1- [[Mandurah + Dolphine Quay + Busselton]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 3- [[Whale watching + Maragret River]]

Land if Oz 2014 Day 4 part 1 - [[ Augusta: Lake cave + Jewel cave]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 4 Part 2-[[ Cape Leeuwin + Mammoth Cave]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 5 [[Skydiving with Southern Sky Divers]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 6 [[Pinnacles + Lancelin Sand Dune]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 7 [[ Caversham Wildlife Park]]

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