
Sunday, July 23, 2017

SAHM: 6 months and counting

Just not too long ago, I popped a champagne to celebrate surviving 6 months with Miss Kwek.
Well who would have guessed I managed to survive as a SAHM till date? 

Probably no one, including myself.

It was hard. It is still hard. In fact, sometimes I think I might have a easier life going back to the corporate world and just make contribution to an IFC.

Not a single day passed in a breeze. I mean, c'mon, children have more tantrum than anyone around. They can't speak and so cry when they are hungry, cry when they are scared, cry when they are lonely, cry when they got stuck, they cry for almost everything and anything!

It is mentally draining.

The month after confinement was the hardest. Having to cope with Miss Kwek's needs, the house needs and my own needs. In all honesty, then, I was praying real hard for a place in the IFC and perhaps get my butt back out to the corporate world.

It didn't help that people around were bugging me with questions "when are you going back to work?", "If you don't go back to work now, it will be hard to go back in future."

Obviously, I know.

All things happened for a reason. We didn't managed to secure a place in any of the IFC we registered interest. So, I continued what I am already doing - be a SAHM.

Fast forward 6 months, I am amazed at how well I am coping. Much better than expected. Learning and growing with Miss Kwek is seriously not the most fun (learning curve is oh-so-freaking steep) yet it is rewarding.

Watching Miss Kwek grow and meeting each and every milestones is such an amazing experience. That sense of satisfaction? Well it's even better than that I get from hearing praises about how great my pineapple tarts and kueh lapis are.

And no, I don't get praises for Miss Kwek's well being nor for up keeping the house. In fact, most people think it's a piece of cake, juggling JUST a child and housework.

Unlike a day job (minus the financial aspect), that JUST a child and housework is literally YOUR business. You can't just walk out of it anytime if you hated the "shit" you are getting.

It seriously ain't easy.

Lucky for me, Mr Kwek is very supportive. He entrusted the household decision as well as Miss Kwek to me. Not only is he bringing the bread home, he also does help around the house on weekends and is a very hands on dad.


My journey as a SAHM so far has been great! Not the most glamorous, no pay, no promotion, no leave, no recognition, etc... but definitely doesn't lose in terms of being challenging!
"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."

So true.

I've learnt much and is continuously learning everyday. I've grown so much, from being taken care of to taking care of another little being. And well, am still learning to be more patient for I am not the most patient person around!

A privilege, a sacrifice. 

Being a SAHM is a double-edged sword. To me, it's a privilege as for a reason or another, not everyone gets the chance to be home and witness the every first of their little one. Being there for Miss Kwek and having her always wanting me over others, makes me feel special and important.

like Indispensable Me? lol.
This, makes me very privileged and blessed.

Yet on the other hand, it's literally sacrificing most of my me-time for the little one and some parts for the house. No free space-out time especially on weekdays when it's me vs the little one and the house.

In other words, no time to eat snake.

Overall, it has been a positive life changing experience. No regrets for the choice made.

As the saying goes:

When the going gets tough,
The tough gets going.

Till the next post! :)

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