
Saturday, July 15, 2017

Baby Product Review: Philip Avent 4-in-1 baby healthy food maker

Six months passed by in a flash and I realised, I haven't had the time to document anything regarding parenthood!

Yes, that's how occupied one becomes with a baby on board!

So here's a really short post on my first baby product review, the Philip Avent 4-in-1 baby healthy food maker.

Miss Kwek started semi-solid not too long ago when she turned 5 months. The Philip Avent 4-in-1 baby healthy food maker is really a great kitchen helper in preparing homemade puree. All I have to do is steam, flip and blend. It includes a storage container which can be used to store excess puree and the container can be placed in the same machine for defrost/reheat. As easy as ABC! All using just a machine! The manual included also gives a gauge of the duration each type of food item should be steamed.

The machine consist of two parts: the blender and the steamer.

All I need to do is wash and chop food into 1 cm cube, place it into the blender, fill water to the desired steaming duration (as per the manual), lock the steamer side of the blender down, set the control panel to the correct duration and wait. When steaming is done, the machine will "beep" and automatically cease steaming. Very good for multitasking as I do not need to worry about over/under steaming the food.

Next, unlock the blender and flip. Give the steamed food a shake to let it fall to the blade end and lock the blender. Press the center control buttom to pulse the food till desired consistency.

Thats right! Homemade puree is ready for consumption or storage.

Is the machine easy to clean?

All the parts are easily taken apart for thorough cleaning after each use.

As for the given container, I have not tried defrosting/reheating puree in it. I usually make fresh batch of puree every alternate days. Hence, I store the one extra serving in the normal Philip Avent container and use the Philip Avent warmer to reheat the puree the next day.

Overall, I think its well worth the moolahs! A dummy proof machine, even Mr Kwek knows how to make puree now!

If you are interested, do try to get it during baby fairs as deals are much better with throw in freebies. FYI, I got mine during Taka baby fair at $169, inclusive of freebies a set of Avent bowls and utensils.


  1. Thanks for sharing interesting information about baby food maker. If you want to know more amazing information about baby food maker, feel free to visit our website.

  2. Did the food ever get stuck in the lid? If so, how did you remove it?

  3. Thanks for sharing such helpful information. Keep Sharing!
    For more baby stuffs do visit Hoopa Baby
