
Friday, September 04, 2015

Western Australia 2014 finale [[ Fremantle ]]

Fremantle is a 30 minutes drive from Perth. We arrived just in time to begin our day with the first prison tour slot.

I highly recommend visiting the prison and signing up for the tour. This was by far, the most interesting tour with the guide constantly giving information in a narrative story telling style. I was naturally attracted to what he was saying without pushing myself too hard to pay attention throughout the hour! :)
After we are done with the tour, YL brought us to the fisherman wharf area to have a fresh seafood lunch at Joe's fish shack.
We ordered the seafood platter for four and boy! It was huge! The calamaris and mussels were da bomb!! The cafe is situated beside the sea port hence coming here will guarantee you fresh food, good view and cool sea breeze!
There's Baskin Robins too around the corner if you crave for some sweet stuff!
We headed to the marine museum after lunch to purchase the submarine tour tickets to visit a retired on shore submarine.

It was my first in a real submarine and if you are also interested to visit, please do not wear skirt or dress! The entrance is very cramp and there are lots of climbing to do when you enter and exit the submarine. Within, it was dark, stuffy and very crampy. I cannot imagine living for months underwater in this little space!

Kudos to all submarinans!
The tour lasted about an hour to two. I find it interesting because it was my first in the submarine but the guys felt it was ok since they have seen it before. Recommended for first timers like me! :p

Our last stop for this day was Fremantle Market!! It is a weekend market place which opens only from Friday to Sunday. Great place with lots of farmers and their home produces! What got me excited were the bakers and their creative great sweet bakes! The Fremantle Market is a great place to purchase all your needed souvenirs for your loved ones at home! Definitely a must go!
There is an apparantly famous stall selling crepes. The queue was long. We joined in to get a crepe to share and it was yummy! Do look out for it!
Ended our day with a drive to the nearby sea port before heading back to Perth to catch our flight home!
It had been a rewarding 8 days! Thank you Western Australia for showing me the nature that I loved very much! Will be back some day in future to further explore the other parts that we did not manage in this trip!

Till then~~~

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 2- [[ Bussselton Jetty + Canel Rocks + Cape Naturaliste

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 3- [[Whale watching + Maragret River]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 4 part 1 - [[ Augusta: Lake cave + Jewel cave]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 4 Part 2 [[ Cape Leeuwin + Mammoth Cave]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 6 [[Pinnacles + Lancelin Sand Dune]]The Land of Oz 2014 Day 7 [[ Caversham Wildlife Park]]

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