
Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Western Australia 2014 Day 7 [[Caversham Wildlife Park]]

It was another early start to our day as we headed to Caversham Wildlife Park for a day of Koala and Kangaroo loving!
We were there at opening hour 9am and did not need to queue to purchase the entrance tickets.
The purchase of tickets comes with program guide and we followed it to catch both the main shows and ended off with meting the koalas and feeding the Kangaroos.
Some sweeties we met along the way to the farm show:
Be sure to arrive before the farm show opens its door if you want great seats especially if you have children for an unblock view of the show.
We were not kiasu enough and ended up with a slightly sided seating which was still ok although the very typical Singaporean me will like to have the center seats! :p
The show started promptly and it was pretty entertaining. Love the part when children were invited to feed the lambs! Wished I was a child physically then!!!
Shaving of the sheep for its fur. Very informative and seems like a skill that cannot be mastered in days! Did you know that the shaven fur needs to be in one piece to fetch high value?

Salute to the shaver who has to carry out such a tedious job three times a day!
Ahhh... here's the segment I loved the most!
So adorable, isn't it? :)

After the show, we left to meet wombat and his friends!
This is not really a show but a showcase of the various animals in the park. Audiences will be standing throughout the showcase and after the introduction, everyone get to walk around and meet the animals.
This is wombat and he is the star of the show! Haha... how lazy looking can it get?!!
 We met some of his friends before joining the never ending queue to take a photo with the star!
Lol. Still looking as lazy as ever.
This is butterscotch and she is my favourite! As sweet looking as her name! )
An owl! My first up close experience with a full size owl! Pretty scary looking with its unblinkable eyes and 360degree rotatable head!!!!
The blue tongue lizard! Took us like 10minutes of staring before it showed its tongue!!
That's all for the more interesting animals. The others include parrots and snakes which are not featured here. Do go for both shows if you come here. Both are quite informative and interesting.

After the shows, it was free and easy walk about for the rest of the morning and early noon. We explored a little before heading to meet the Koalas.
Koala! Sadly, we were not allowed to carry them because it seems like Koalas are going into extinction with many being scared to death by visitors' carries and exclamations.

Yups. So we were the lucky few who made it to see an awaken Koalas according to the staff as most of the time, Koalas are sleeping!
We met a black swan on our way to meeting the kangaroos!
Hmm... honestly, this was not a sight I was expecting! Lol. Most were laying around lazily, sun tanning? I was expecting them to be hopping around happily! Oh well, in my ideal world!
Food container for visitors to pick up a couple of food bites for feeding the Kangaroos.
Took me awhile to find a kangaroo who gave me some face and ate from my hand!!!! I guess most were too full from the whole morning of feeding! Poor Kangaroos.
After we have achieved our objective of the day, we headed back to Perth to meet YL for lunch. She brought us to a relatively popular korean restaurant for lunch. It was pretty good though not the most authetic. May try it if you are sick of eating fish and chips! A refreshing change!
We drove to King's park for an afternoon stroll as we did not have any other plans for the day.
The skyline from above is great! Many people were lazing around having picnics! Lovely park, worth a visit!
Yet again a great introduction from YL. This is probably the best churros and chocolate drink I ever had! Really really good! Highly recommended!
We ended the day earlier as we have to head back to pack our luggages before departure back to Singapore the next night.

We were too full from the tea break, we decided to take away food back to YL's house for a later dinner. 

This marks the end of our second last day of our Western Australia adventure. Next post will be on beautiful Fremantle, a great conclusion to our adventure!

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 2- [[ Bussselton Jetty + Canel Rocks + Cape Naturaliste

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 3- [[Whale watching + Maragret River]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 4 part 1 - [[ Augusta: Lake cave + Jewel cave]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 4 Part 2 [[ Cape Leeuwin + Mammoth Cave]]

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