
Sunday, December 01, 2013

Recap of Our Weddng Part 3: The Wedding Day- Night

I have blogged previously about our wedding preparation and our wedding morning. Today I shall continue with the last post of our wedding!


After ending off with the tea ceremony at my house, we rest and ate the buffet lunch before heading to the hotel with the boys. As we were having our banquet at Sentosa Golf Club, we checked into the Sentosa Resort and Spa which is situated just opposite the club.

It was 2pm when we finally checked in. The boys took turn to wash up and stock take while I slept! (Privilege of being a bride!)  Two hours past and soon it was time to head over to the club for the rehearsal. We had an hour of rehearsal before Mr Kwek & I headed over to the dressing room to get ready and have our early dinner while the rest started to decorate our reception.
Our Movie Theme set up reception!
DIYs #1: Clapboard, film reel and popcorn box.
DIYs #2: Camera signage & props for photobooth

Guests started streaming in at 6.30pm for the reception. By 7.00pm, they were ushered into the ballroom to be seated in preparation for our solemnization, that was scheduled to begin at 7.15pm.
Writing messages on DIY chalkboards before going to the photo booth
Cute max! our DIY ang bao popcorn box

While the guests were viewing our pre-wedding video, we begin to make our way out to the ballroom doorway to prepare for the first march-in.
As our video ended, the door opened, and there I was in a blank state of mind. Yes, I can't remember what happened. All I remembered was telling myself to smile- Just SMILE!!
Once we were up on stage, the solemnization started. Our JP was Mr. Zenon Teh. He was quite entertaining though some may find him to be long winded. He made us repeated "Yes, I do" when we didn't say it loud with enthusiasm! In the end everyone, including us, had a good laugh at our unique way of saying "Yes, I do"!

Our JP even make us kiss on stage for as long as the clapping and cheering last. Indeed the longest kiss ever in our lives in front of 180 people!
Mr Kwek signaling to the guests to stop clapping & cheering!
Finally husband and wife!
After the solemnization that lasted about half an hour, the banquet started and everyone started to indulge in the food. Into the second dish, we had to head back to the dressing room and prepare for our second march-in.

We had an unconventional second march-in which involved our wedding entourage and some of our guests. Can you guess what we were up to?


Well, we had a flash mob! =)

My brilliant idea for the first part- the wedding entourage dance (taking reference to JK wedding dance) and Mr Kwek's brilliant dance choreography skill for the second part- the flash mob.
the brothers in colorful ties & sunshades, suspenders and DIY heart corsage
the sisters in colorful heart sunshades & DIY flower bouquet
All the guests were caught by surprise and everyone who participated had fun! =) Mr Kwek & I were so glad we did it!

After all the fun, it was back on stage for the cake cutting and champagne popping/yum seng segment.
Mr Kwek, on behalf of us, made our speech in the form of singing which attracted much cheers from the guests. Little did I suspect a surprise performance awaits right after the speech.
Mr Kwek performed the Ukulele which he secretly went to take lessons for three months just to play two songs for me! *feeling loved much*
Loving our customized heart backdrop!

This summarized the highlights of the night which ended with the traditional table-to-table group shots and thanking the guests for their time.
One of my favorite shot! So heart warming!
with my ex colleague's twins!

For information purpose, we did burst our budget by a little even with extensive DIYs. We spent about 20K for the entire wedding.

Cost includes:
Guo Da Li,
Customization of Venue Decorations,
Ang Baos,
Bridal Package,
Pre-Wedding Video,
Pre-Wedding Photographs
AD Videography
AD Car Rental
Banquet losses
AD Photographs top ups


I had enjoyed planning our wedding and had no regrets at all looking back at that faithful day! I believe all bride-to-be and their other half should try as much as possible to spend some time planning for the wedding. This makes the day feels extraordinary and memorable!

Hope you have enjoyed reading about our entire wedding preparation and day!

Next up will be our long awaited honeymoon to Spain!
Just 10 days more! Simply can't wait! =)


  1. Tiffany9:58 AM

    Hi! I'm interested in getting JP Zenon Teh for my ROM Too. I read somewhere that he teaches Buddhism, so May I know if he shares any religious teachings during the solemnization?

    And did you meet up with him before the event?


    1. Hello! He did share some marriage advises during the wedding. You will meet up with him once before the wedding to discuss on the procedures and some to do and not to do. Hope this helps. :)
