
Sunday, December 01, 2013

Recap of Our Wedding Part 2: The Wedding Day - Morning

In the previous blog post, I blogged about the wedding preparation which you can read about here. I know it has been awhile since that post, however, I was waiting for our AD photographs to be received before blogging this post and onwards!

After patiently waiting for 4 months, we finally received our AD photographs! Though the wait was long, all photographs were within expectations! Luke from Indulgz Photomoments was our AD photographer and we are extremely satisfied with his service.


Our wedding day was just like any other traditional Chinese wedding, It started at 5.30am with the sisters, make up artist, VG (Christopher from Forest Productions) and PG pouring in at 5.30am. While I was getting ready, the sisters were busy preparing for the gate crash, the VG and PG were busy snapping and filming away.

Mr Kwek and the brothers' punctual arrival were signal by the multiple loud car honks at 7am as planned!
Rented my childhood dream car!
DIY car felt banner!
Gate crashed started shortly after at 7.15am and ended slightly before 8am.
Lingerie sponsored by Angelic Desire@Bugis+
Epic!! Love this photograph much!

First date: "Fine Dining" for the groom & brothers
First Dance: Dancing segment. Can you guess what song is this?
day light robbers! :P
First Promise: 10 promises to be sealed with a kiss!
First Winning: Lucky draw for the groom & the brothers. The ultimate damage to the pocket!
The very satisfied sisters! :)

After the sisters successfully wipe out every single cent out of Mr Kwek, he finally arrived to make his pledge, present the bouquet and unveil me!
Woot! loving my DIY hand bouquet!
By 8.15am, we were on our way to his house for the tea ceremony as the Feng Shui Master (Long Tian Xiang Professional Geomancy Services) that we went to advised for us to enter his house before 9am.
We prayed to his ancestors, had some tangyuan and commenced the tea ceremony shortly which ended earlier than expected. We ended up having some free time to rest and eat a little before I changed into my Kua and went down for a short photo/video shoot.

We were back at my house for the tea ceremony by 10.30am and the morning wrapped up by 11.15am.
As we were on schedule as planned, I managed to enjoy the buffet lunch at home and have a bathe before heading to the hotel to prepare for the night. I will be blogging about the night in my next post! Till then, here's a photograph of my happy extended family!

My happy family! :)

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