
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Quest to Losing the Extra Inches!!

Dieting is like learning- It's a life long journey! At least, that's how I sees it. No matter how slim ones gets, one will strive for a slimmer self. 

Mr Kwek and I loves eating! The only difference? He does not put on any weight while I ballooned over the years! *sigh*

 when we first dated
 3years into the relationship
*stared in horror!* Obviously I ballooned ALOT! Like seriously?Then and there no one said a word about me being fat. Just chubby. How ridonkulous! Tops were getting tighter while bottoms went totally unzippable! All I did was blamed on the bad materials and decided to just discard them and get new ones. Afterall, who doesn't like shopping? :)
Motivation for losing the extra fats were non where to be found until late 2011 when Mr Kwek pulled me to a twice weekly jog to train for his reservist. 3 months of jogging see a drop in 3kg off my weight! No reduction of eating, just moving more often. My bottoms were starting to get too lose for wearing.
I kinda like what I'm seeing and feeling! So with some courage (it takes ALOT of courage to say NO to supper and desserts!), I decided to make known to the world (at least family and friends) that I will be going on an official diet for the next 1.5years till the wedding!
With the declaration, I started my dieting. No particular plan/routine in mind though. I started with the routine jogs and cut down on supper, desserts. Another 3 months passed and I lost another 2kg. Not the fastest but it felt really good!
I became more motivated and started to look out for exercise classes to join as I got quite bored of jogging. I joined a kickboxing class at the sport hall near my block. The pricing was really attractive. $70 for 12 classes! That's less than $7 per class! CHEAP MAX! Classes were fun. I became greedy and joined another 2 classes: aerobics cross training and Cardiobox.
3 times a week of exercising practically eats up all my excess energy and time for other things. However, seeing the results after a year, I would think the effort and determination did pay off!

Me on my birthday last June
Me last xmas!

I lost a total of 7kg through the 1.5 years since I started working out. No strict dieting, just a reduction in desserts and suppers. My love for exercising had increased. Joining classes are really a fun way to work out and lose the extra inches away! I feel toned and although my weight is not as low as the past, dress size wise, I am the same as the past when I first started dating Mr Kwek. *yay*

I'm only left with 5 months to go before the wedding. Although I would have wished for a slimmer me but I'm quite satisfied with my achievements! :)

Brides-to-be, don't give up. When there's a will, there will be a way! Don't try to push yourself too much. Exercise more and cut back on sweet treats. If you need to have one occassionally, just eat and enjoy! Don't think too much. And if you can, throw the scales out. Weighting yourself everyday is not going to help much. What's important is losing the inches and not the weight! :)

Happy mid-week everyone!


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