
Sunday, January 27, 2013

125 days to go...A recount to the proposal

Hello, world! I'm back with a brand new blog. Yay! *Pop Champagne*  New look, this time, rocking with blogger's template. Nothing bets simplicity!

Counting 125days to yours truely's wedding!
Yes, that's right! I'm tying the knot soon!

Mr Kwek aka Kaya roll, and I, have been dating for 5years 7months and 1day. That's not exactly very long- probably just the average period couples date before tying the knot! We will be tying the knot in June, the month we got together, as well, the month he proposed to me! :)

Oh well, talking about the proposal, it felt like a really long time ago!

Mr Kwek popped the question on our 4th anniversary during our annual staycation. Then and there, I did not suspect anything and was caught by surprised. This earned me the title: the gulible fool. Yes, that's what the love-of-my-life calls me! *sad life* 

On 26th June 2011, we had our annual staycation at Rasa Sentosa. Lovely hotel! We slacked the afternoon away and left for dinner in the evening. Dinner at Serenity was good! The first surprise for the day was a song delication he secretly made during reservation. So, during dinner, the singer called out for me, read out his delication and sang the song! :) Coincidentally, at that moment, fireworks were firing at USS and we were able to see the display from our seats! That was a bonus addition for his surprise! *Smittened*
 view from our room @Rasa-Sentosa
 Spanish dinner @vivocity Serenity
After dinner, we took the train back into Sentosa Island and had our romantic walk along siloso beach. Not all that nice as my shoes were drowning with sand! *sigh* as much as i urged him to go back to the hotel, he refused. We ended up star-watching at the hotel pool side.
 Siloso beach
Walking to the pool
Slightly before mid-night, we made our way back to the room. Little did I know, we were heading back to the second surprise of the day! Our room was beautifully decorated with rose petals and balloons! Innocently, I said:"Woah! their their service is so good !"                                                                                            
Blah. How gulible can one get?
After pretending to agree with me, Mr Kwek told me to look around the room for my presents! So the treasure hunt began...
After 15 minutes of ransacking, 4 presents were found:

sticky sweets, a framed puzzle, a self-made scrapbook page & a hello kitty lunch bag

I was touched by the scrapbook page, I teared.
Mr Kwek was shocked at my reacton then as that was not even the highlight!
I was asked to stand in a rose petals-made heart while he presented me a bouquet of roses. He sung me "Just the way you are" before making his speech, followed by another song "童话" and lastly, popping the question with the solitaire box in his hands!
A beautiful room, 48 roses (representing the months we had been together), a sumptous dinner, presents surprises, singing and not forgetting the solitaire; how can I say NO?!
 Big Bouquet of my favourite red roses
 Room set up surprise upon returning to the room at midnight!
 little cards hidden with presents within the room
the proposal ring!

And so, with this, I started looking for wedding inspirations and planning our wedding! How time flies, from 730days to 125 days to go! Yet, we have tons of things still unsettled!


Chinese New Year is around the corner and so all preparations have to be on hiatus! *sigh*
The season to eat and grow fat! *stress*

Need to work out doubly hard!
Will blog about this another time!

Till then :)


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