
Monday, April 23, 2018

An Afternoon at Busy Tables at Rochester Mall

We spent a Saturday's afternoon at Busy Tables. Located at Rochester Mall, Busy Tables offers both classes and programmes as well, walk-in experimental plays. We were near the area and decided to drop by for a walk-in two hours session.

Busy Tables is a relatively big place. When we were there, there was only another family around. Hence, Miss Kwek got to run around exploring all the various learning materials.
Busy Tables is categorized into different sections consisting of different learning materials/toys. Each area has a proper play mat laid for comfortable play. This, impressed me much! There are also a couple of tables and chairs placed around the area for proper table play.

There is a puzzle area with a vast variety of different kind of puzzle plays, a reading area with mini sofas and books, a shelf of learning/educational materials and a dark room.
Most of the learning materials and toys are neatly placed in transparant containers. Each consist of a label that clearly state the learning objective/outcome of play and the age range suitability. This earned brownie points from me!
The only toy I do not approve of is this puzzle pieces seen in the red play table below. I do not know the name of this toy but I read  how it couldn't be removed after being stuck in children's hair. 

Though there is a print-out placed together with the toy to warn about the danger, I doubt children will read it/know how to read it. Hence, I think it will be better if this is being taken out.
Otherwise, Busy Tables is definitely a great place for some family bonding/ children play, if you are around the area. Quiet, clean and lots of good learning/educational play materials.

Miss Kwek played for the full two hours without fussing at all. By the end of the session, she was exhausted and slept on the journey home!

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