
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Eastern Europe 2015: Day 5 Krakow [[ Auschwit Concentration Camp ]]

We were supposed to take the first bus out to the Auschwitz concentration camp. However, the tickets were sold out when we headed to the bus terminal to purchase the tickets. Hence, we had no choice but to wait for the next bus which will only leave in an hour's time.

Bus ticket costs 12PLN per person, one way. It takes 1.5hours to travel from Krakow to the concentration camp. 

Many locals board and alight along the journey. Mostly only the tourists were seen alighting at the concentration camp. Hence, the bus driver will announce once it reaches the camp stop. 

The bus will stop at the main road, making the camp site not so obvious. However, there were many tourists heading to the camp site. Hence, follow the crowd guaranteed the right way towards the camp site! 

We managed to reach the camp site at 9.30am and was in line for the free self tour tickets which was supposed to be entitled to all tourists before 10am. 

However, the very rude and unkind lady who gave the free tickets to the caucasian couple infront of us, denied us of the tickets and insisted we pay for the tour tickets. 

Well, it was only 9.50am.

I tried to kindly point out to the lady that it was only 9.50am and guess what? She rolled her eyes and replied: "pay for the tickets or leave the queue."


Not wanting to hold up the queue we paid 60PLN for two pax and left to wait for our English tour.

The camp site was literally- a camp site. Be sure to bring lots of water and some snacks. The only booth selling drinks and snacks charges sky rocket pricing!
And so my favourite phrase: everything happens for a reason, was indeed so applicable to everything in life.

We were so glad we purchased the tour tickets afterall. The tour was really awesome with lots of information and gruesome details about the Jewish Holocaust.  Hearing the story and seeing the sites gave us a good 3D view into the past. Somehow, we could eerily visualised the happening at the different sites of the camp.
The tour consisted of two legs which took 90minutes and 45minutes respectively. The first leg tour take us to the main camp often known as Auschwitz 1, a camp that was built in 1940 for Polish political prisoners.

Famous for it's main gate sign: "Arbeit Macht Frei" which means "work makes you free", Auschwit 1 consists of many blocks of one storey apartments of which, block 10 and 11, being the infamous block for medical experiments and punishment.

Seemingly livable, the camp was actually inadequately equipped with facilities and amenities resulting in many prisoners dying from air borne diseases.

Today, some blocks had been converted into mini museums, showcasing the many artifacts left behind by prisoners, the set up of living conditions as well as photographs of the past happenings.

After the first 90minutes of the tour, we were given a half an hour break to eat and drink before gathering for the shuttle bus to the next site for the second leg of the tour.

The second leg of the tour brought us to the next camp site known as Auschwitz 2 - Birkenau. Auschwitz 2 was constructed to ease congession in Auschwitz 1. With a train track within, many Jewish arrived from all over East Europe via the train bringing their valuables with them in view of a relocation. However,  cruelity awaits them. All who arrived were forced to stand in line, leave behind their belongings and proceed for a selection process where their fates were determined by the officers.

Abled men and women were retained and given a number before being sent off to disinfect and shower. Where else, children, elderly and the disabled were sent off into another area to shower. 

These category didn't get to see another sunrise. They were sent to the gas chamber instead. 

The Auschwitz 2 was later known as the largest extermination center as it consists of two large and two small gas chambers. A camp which started off as a housing area for prisoner of war soon turned into an extermination center due to space constraint. Many who arrived after 1944 were sent immediately to the gas chamber without going through the selection process.

Others who survived lived a hardship life and constantly feared getting gased unknowingly.

After 45 minutes of goosebumping through the various on sites features like the living quarters, gas chambers, cremation chamber and the standing punishment cells, we went back to the main camp and looked for the timing of the bus to Krakow. We were lucky the next bus back was leaving in 10minutes. 

We rushed to the bus stop and to our not so pleasant surprise, many were in line for the bus. We were dismayed but hoped for the best in getting a seat so that we won'the have to stand for an hour and a half! 

Lady luck was on our side and we managed to get the last 2 seats!!! So off we slept through the journey and back to our favourite mall for air condition and dinner! 

Dinner was not enough to fill us since we only had breakfast and shared a bread mid-day. We wandered around the mall for a while before deciding to junk on some Poland's sweet treats.
We ordered a gelato and Poland's cheesecake, known as Sernia to try. The cheesecake turned out to be pretty decent for the price we paid. SGD$10 in total for the bill at a cafe with air condition and free drinking water!!! Where to find in Singapore???!!

The sweet treat left us full and satisfied! With a filled stomach, we headed back to our B&B for an early night!

Ha! This trip had us trained for early nights! Not that we want to but the combination of heat wave and the early closure of the shops left us with no better choice but to head home for early cold showers and the bed! :P

My next installation on this trip will see us travelling to our next destination, Prague.

Do stay tune to my next travelogue entry! :)

Eastern Europe 2015 Day 3 Krakow [[ Main Square + Cloth Hall + St. Mary Church + KoKo + Galeria Mall]]
Eastern Europe 2015: Day 4 Krakow [[ Wawel Castle +  Kazimierz, Jewish District + Galica Museum + Hero Square + Oskar Schindler's Factory]]
Eastern Europe 2015 Day 6 Prague [[ Leo Express + Bredovsky Dvur + Main Square + Old Town + Charles Bridge]]
Eastern Europe 2015 Day 7 Prague [[Astronomical Clock Show + Old Town Hall Tower + Jewish District + Powder Tower + Manufaktura + Lokal + Kredenc]]
Eastern Europe 2015 Day 8 Prague [[Prague Castle + Petrin Hill]]
Eastern Europe 2015 Day 9 Budapest [[Market Square + Chain Bridge]]
Eastern Europe 2015 Day 10 Budapest [[Parliament House + Memorial of the Russian Army + St Stephan Basalica + Hero Square + Szechenyi Thermal Bath]]
Eastern Europe 2015 Day 11 Budapest [[Castle Hill]]
Eastern Europe 2015 Day 12 Berlin

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