
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

100th monthsary Excursion: Hello Kitty Go Around & Sea Aquarium Finding Nemo

Being a Hello Kitty fan, Mr Kwek surprised me with a trip to the Hello Kitty Go Around Singapore on our 100th Monthsary!! :)

Held just beside Hard Rock Hotel, the Hello Kitty Go Around occupies just a small outdoor area, which literally, was a small go around consisting of 6 games and 3 activity booths. Since we were there on a weekday, Monday, going through the games and exhibits was a breeze. We were out just slightly over an hour after having used 9 game coupons.
Our ticket set consists of 2 free game coupons each and we spent $20 to purchase another 5 game coupons. We were determined to survive with just 9 coupons because we were not expecting to win any plushies from the games. Our moolahs are better kept purchasing the mechandises which was well, even more costly! At least I get to bring something home... 

It is inevitable that additional game coupons need to be purchased because except games, there's really not much to see. However, I was not expecting scenerios where people  purchase multiple sets of 10 game coupons which cost $35/set, just so to ensure securing at least a plushie. But I was wrong!!! Many were willing to part with more moohlahs for Hello Kitty~ Now, this makes us conclude, I don't love Kitty as much as we thought! LOL
Although pretty small scale, we had much fun at the Hello Kitty Go Around! The simple set up were adorable and colorful, making photos pretty awesome! :) We didn't take many photos because half the time, we were engrossed in trying to deduce which game has the highest probability of winning! LOL. Yeah, blame it on the stingy us!

The games were much more based on luck than on tactics. Some were given 3 tries while others 5. It is not hard to deduce that those with 3 tries probably has higher chances of winning! However, we sux at the 3 tries games!!!! Of the 3 plushies that we won, only 1 was from the 3 tries game!
Hello Kitty Post Office somewhat fascinated me! With a game coupon, one can purchase a postcard and pay an additional 30cents to have it mailed!!! There were at least 6 designs to choose from, all of which, were equally cute!

No prize for guessing, we spent 1 precious game coupon to purchase the postcard, wrote our monthsary greeting to ourselves, paid 30cents for a stamp and had it posted into the Hello Kitty mailbox! :)

Silly but that makes me happy! Haa... hope the postcard arrives soon!
Within, there is a Hello Kitty Secret Garden which consists of old school, schooling items like school bag, pencil case, calculator and stamp set! Of the items, I actually own the pencil case and calculator when I was younger!!!

The happy me with our unexpected wins! 
I'm taller than Hello Kitty! This was taken just before entering the shrine! The beautiful shrine allows one to use a game coupon to purchase a wooden plague for writing blessing and hanging at the shrine! Nope, we did not purchase this. We can't afford it with our limited game coupons!!!
These are photos by Mr Kwek of the game booths! LOL. The first game we attempted was baby race. It's a game of ball rolling into the different score holes. A plushie will be won if the total score of 100 is achieved in 5 tries!

Sounds easy?! It's not!!! I failed horribly at this. Mr Kwek on the other hand, got it right in just 3 tries! That's how we unexpectedly won our first plushie!
Next we attempted the rainbow game which was supposingly, in our logic, easy because only 3 tries were given. First try was a total failure with none being close! On second try, I luckily had the first coin landed exactly within the yellow rainbow! Hee~ another surprise win!!

Since we still have 2 coins, we wanted to have another go. However, the staff disallow it and said once won, the other coins are forfeited. Hmm... doesn't sound very logical since we purchased the 3 coins with our coupon and it is only right, we get our go at the remaining chances we have, right?! This was the only very unsatisfied part of the event we can't stop bitching about! Haa....

Mr Kwek was unsatisfied and decided to use another game coupon to try winning the big plushie! LOL. Never seen him so determined to get me something he always classify as junk! Keke... oh well, no luck!

This was the last game we attempted, twice, and got the plushie with the last 3 hoops! It's pretty much impossible. Our many tries went fruitless until the third last hoop that I managed to have it hook onto the bear's ear. The very kind lady mending the booth advised us to hit the bear with our remaining 2 hoops to get it down to the waist in order to win the plushie! Mr Kwek, feeling much more confident, tried and managed to get the hoop hit down to the waist! *yeah!*

With our combined effort, we won our last plushie! :)
These are the other games available: Fishing and MaMa's kitchen which we did not attempt because we have ran out of coupons! Our last coupon was spent on another newspaper game which we failed and I have no idea why no photo of the booth was taken! LOL. But it's ok. I'm sure you will be able to google and see it online.
Walking out of the event with 3 plushies was pretty satisfying. We ended up not purchasing any additional collectibles because we foresee we will have a hard time finding place for the new furkids addition to our home!

Since our ticket comes with an admission to the Sea Aquarium, and both of us have been to the Aquarium before, we decided to just head over in quest of Finding Nemo! Haha.... The Sea Aquarium was having a Halloween theme and many skeletons and game booths can be found within the Aquarium! Pretty awesome to see tourists enjoying their day in our local attraction.

It was easy finding Nemo and we were out for our early dinner after an hour stroll through the Aquarium. While people around were taking fishes, we took photos of mostly the skeletons! Haa... amused by the fact the staff took effort to place these into the Aquarium for Halloween!

Nemo!!! Most recognisable fish because of the identity it holds in Find Nemo, the animation!
The famous large Aquarium showcase just outside Ocean restaurant.
With this, we ended our 100th monthsary celebration with a simple dinner at Sushi Tei before returning home. Ending the post with my loots from the day! :)

To many more 100 monthsaries to us~~♡
And, Happy Birthday to my favourite cat, Hello Kitty!!! :)

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