
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Jess' bakes and cooks: Simple Basic Tamagoyaki using normal round pan

Tamagoyaki is a Japanese sweet rolled up egg that is commonly served in Japanese eateries as a side. Not all, espcially adults, like it as it is towards the sweet side. It is among the hot favourites for children and people like me, with a sweet tooth! :)

Tamagoyaki is usually prepared in a rectangular pan. However, it can also be prepared in a regular round pan. Today I will be showing you how to do so!

I am going to show you a basic tamagoyaki which uses ingredients that are commonly found at home. Hence, it is a hazzle free quick side to prepare. You may add in any ingredients to season the egg roll. It is up to your creativity!

3 eggs
1/2 Tablespoon soya sauce (may use Japanese or normal ones)
1/2 Tablespoon of granulated sugar
Pinch of salt to taste
Oil to coat pan


1. In a bowl, crack eggs and lightly beat them.
 2. Add soy sauce, sugar and salt to season the eggs. Beat till sugar melt.
 3. Seive the mixture to remove any lumps. Discard any left over in seive.
 4. Using a brush or kitchen towel, coat pan with some oil. Heat pan.
 5. Using a laddle, scoop one laddle of egg mixture and add it into heated pan.
6. When sides start to cook, fold one end of the egg inwards.
 7. Continue to roll eggs and leave an end unroll. Carefully pull rolled egg to one end and pour another laddle of egg mixture into the unrolled end.
 8. Repeat step 7. After rolling and pulling rolled egg to one end, pour in the remaining egg mixture.
 9. Once done, carefully transfer egg roll to cutting board. Egg roll is easily breakable when hot.
 10. Cut egg roll into bite size and place on serving plate.
Tamagoyaki is tasty enough to eat on its own or you may wrap it on top of sushi! Equally delicious! Enjoy!

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