
Friday, July 24, 2015

Western Australia 2014 Day 4 Part 2 [[Cape Leeuwin + Mammoth Cave]]

Cape Leeuwin lighthouse is situated at the most South West of Australia where the Indian and Southern Ocean meets. It became part of our sightseeing choice as we purchased the ultimate pass (AUD$70) for entries into three caves and a lighthouse.

It was a long stroll towards the lighthouse but it was pretty as Cape Leeuwin stood infront of a never ending skyline! As we were early for th next guided tour, we took our own sweet time to stroll and cam-whore along the way.
Finally reaching Cape Leeuwin! The light house which stands 39 metres high on ground level and 56 metres above sea level, is an important maritime landmark that uses its strong beam to guide ships traveling in the oceans.
The lighthouse tour was more or less smiliar to that of Cape Neutraliste. And to my disappointment, the view on top was just.... like that:
Yah, it was nothing fantastic. Wind was strong, shivering all the way, we decided to take a couple more photos before descending down to ground level.

That marks the end of a very short tour as we strolled the same long pathway back to our car for our last destination of the day.
The mammoth cave! To be frank, by this time, I was already pretty tired and sick of climbing another cave! Lol. But since we bought the pass and being 'kiasu' we did continued exploring the cave. The mammoth cave offers both guided and self guided tour. At the counter, we opted for the self guided tour. We were soon given a headset and off we go, exploring the cave by ourselves.
The mammoth cave is a gigantic limestone cave well known for it's extinct animal fossils remains. It lies within the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park and is surrounded by Karri and Marri forest. In case you are wondering, Karri and Marri are trees that produce good timbers which are highly sought after.

At 500 metres long and 30 metres deep, the mammoth cave is like a time capsule bringing you back to 45,000 years ago with the fossils remains of animals like the Thylacine, Tasmanian Tiger and Zygomatura, a huge womb-bat like creature! 
It took us around 45minutes to finish exploring the cave. And at the end of the cave, there is a long flight of steps that we had to climb before getting back on ground level.
This is the Karri forest trail which supposingly should take only 10 minutes to complete. BUT it took us like almost half an hour to complete. *sigh* Imagine the frustration of carry our breaking legs walking through the forest which has not much of a proper path...Not recommended!!
So we marked the end of the day early with dinner at a random restaurant and headed back to rest for the rest of the day. 
Next up will be the highlight of this trip: sky diving!!

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 2- [[ Bussselton Jetty + Canel Rocks + Cape Naturaliste

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 3- [[Whale watching + Maragret River]]

Land if Oz 2014 Day 4 part 1 - [[ Augusta: Lake cave + Jewel cave]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 5 [[Skydiving with Southern Sky Divers]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 6 [[Pinnacles + Lancelin Sand Dune]]

The Land of Oz 2014 Day 7 [[ Caversham Wildlife Park]]

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