
Sunday, July 12, 2015

A New Beginning

In less than a week's time, I will be a full time home baker and a part time taitai (aka maid)! :)

Yes, I have officially decided to bid goodbye to my day job to embark on a new journey in life.

Many have asked if I am unhappy with my job?

The answer is no. I do complain often about it though but who doesn't?

Then why?

"Isn't it a waste that you are just reaching the peak of your career and giving it up just like that?" often, people asked.
Of course, it's never easy to give up everything I have built up over the years but at the end of the day, when I stopped and think, this is not something I truely crave for in life. Climbing the corporate ladder is never top on my bucket list.
Being in the same job for the past 6.5years, life has somehow stopped in it's time. Life has become routine. It's no longer about the title and the monies (ok, not the highest earner around but every cent counts!!). It's about life.
See? Even the picture seems brighter now after I have decided to take the first step out! :p

I do not expect everyone to give me their well wishes but if anyone tries to rain in my parade, I will have umbrellas ready to poke them! Hee...

Okay enough of my life craps. Just wanted to make an offical announcement so people can stop asking and second guess behind me.
*pictures and quotes are lift from various websites. Not mine!

Ok I will get down to blogging my next australia post soon...

I promise!! :)

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