
Sunday, June 01, 2014

Happy Hitched Day!: A year as Mr & Mrs.

Woah how time flies! It's exactly one year since we tied the knot! Life have been great! Nothing much has changed, still pretty much feels like we are dating, not married!

Am very grateful for all beautiful things in life! Looking forward to many more beautiful years together! :)

Happy Hitched Day to us! <3
Roses are red and violets are blue:
Yearly SOP! Love love love red roses! Flowers are overrated on Valentine's day but not on our day! :)
Celebrating with Onicupcakes:
What's "birthday" without cake? :) For the sweet tooth us, I got Oni cupcakes to customize four regular cupcakes. Lovely design at affordable pricing! *Happy Birthday to US!!*
Going back to one: Movie date
First outing was to the movie, first date was yet again, to the movie. We had a movie wedding theme. What's more should we not do on our special day but to catch a movie? :)

We caught Maleficent and it was so good! :) Angelina Jolie's acting was awesome! :) Every moment was so enchanting, the movie didn't feel like it was 1.5hours long.

Dinner at Alkaff Mansion:
Mr Kwek brought me to this lovely mansion situated on Telok Blangah Hill for dinner. The mansion with its colonial structure, gave the place a lovely vintage vibe. Atmosphere was pretty romantic although food was only average.
Concluding this special day with a night visit to our future home! :)
Just a mere five days to key collection!


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